Doors to the church

Have a transforming Lent!

已发布 : Mar-10-2021

It is painful, disturbing, confusing news that although as of Monday, March 8, 2021, Toronto will return to the colour-coded framework with the Grey (Lockdown) designation, this does not change the situation for places of worship with restrictions of no more than 10 people in the church.

It is cynical how the province has relaxed restrictions for retailers in the Grey (Lockdown) zones, permitting them to operate at 25% capacity while places of worship continue with a hard cap of 10 people. I ask you with Cardinal Collins to sign a petition: “It is now appropriate for us to respectfully amplify our concerns by asking the faithful to connect with their Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) as well as Premier Ford. The archdiocese has produced a simple webpage, accessible at”. We must speak up for us!

Although we are in the lockdown, we have many ways for a meaningful Lent preparation even in the remaining weeks: Jesus is with you! Here is a detailed summary of the invitations prepared in our community. We are grateful to be able to begin the Season of Lent this way and I look forward to seeing you in the church!

May our Lord bless you on your Lent journey!

Fr Tamas

HOLY MASS - Virtual

Currently, we can only stream the Mass in Hungarian (Sundays at 11AM). So please participate in another English Mass online. 

After that, please join us to receive the Eucharist at our Church (see below) On the way home, consider taking a short time for a walk in any cemetery or park, and reflect on the questions raised during Mass.


On Sundays we continue the distribution of Eucharist between 12-1PM drive-through in the courtyard (you can enter the church for personal prayer.) After that, 1-2PM we offer distribution of Eucharist within the church (personal prayer and distribution of Eucharist every 10 mins. Please line up before the altar for the prayer.) Always keep a 10 person limit and ask for help from the ushers! (There is no registration for that but wait in the churchyard before the usher lets you in.)

Virtual Way of the Cross

Join us for on Fridays during Lent @6pm

Every Friday at 5pm a different small group of our parish is leading the Stations online. The Hungarian community, the Haitian Community in English but with Haitian music, the Taize community, our Carmelite group, the Holy Trinity Community and the Peter Claver Community will minister. The languages will be in Hungarian, English and Creole, but everything will be available in English too. May this prayer bring our communities closer.

Our Church is Open for Private Prayer and for receiving Eucharist

(Maximum of 10 people at a time: please register in the office)

Mondays through Fridays 7am to 9am (60min. shifts, with Eucharistic Ministry)

Saturdays 7am to 10am (60min. shifts, with Eucharistic Ministry, 8-9: with Lectio Divina)

Sundays 12pm to 2pm (12-1PM: parking lot drive-through, 1-2PM Eucharistic Ministry in the Church)


Mondays through Saturdays 7am to 9am (during Private Prayer before the Eucharistic Ministry) and on 19. March, Friday 5-7PM

For other times Fr Tamas is available by personal appointment.


We hope that you would like to go deeper this Lent, do you? Therefore, we offer further possibilities in your journey.

a) “Gratitude Prayer Diary” might help you in  a daily reflection  of gratitude based on your concrete daily experience. The small booklet will be shared on Ash Wednesday and on the 1st. Lent Sunday.

Join us at our weekly zoom sharing discussion, on Fridays at 7 PM. Meeting ID: 922 8806 1886; Passcode: 638744

b) Our “Search” sharing group continues even during Lent on Saturdays at 5PM. After finishing that, we will return to the “regular” Bible Sharing.

c) “KNOWING JESUS” - is our Lent Retreat this year. This Ignatian Retreat in everyday life invites you to make a personal daily reflection on the Bible, and for a community weekly sharing on zoom on Sunday 7-8PM. (The daily material sent by the British Jesuits and  You can register here:

d) Bible study: New Interpretations of the Holy Week Stories - Presented by Scott Lewis, SJ, this series will examine the Holy Week texts in light of recent theological trends and issues. Topics such as How to Read the Bible, difficult passages, violence and the meaning of the resurrection will be explored. Fr. Scott Lewis, SJ, teaches New Testament at Regis College, Toronto.

  • The webinar will be on Tuesday nights, 7:00 p.m. EST (1 hr. + Q&A) Feb. 23 - How Not to Read the Bible; Mar 2 – Did Jesus Come to Die on the Cross? Mar 9 – The Resurrection: Belief vs Experience. For the open webinar please register HERE!
  • Fr Scott offers a unique Zoom discussion only for our community at 7-8 pm on 16. March.

e) 40 Days to Grace and Glory: Another simple Lenten plan for everyone to focus on the daily Mass readings: explanation and commentary by renowned scripture scholar Dr. Tim Gray of St. Augustine's “Formed”. Sign up at org/lent.

Mass Intentions

We continue to accept Mass Intentions for our Daily Masses - please see the link to "Offer a Mass Intention." Please use this form to submit a Mass Intention request during the Church Closure! You may also leave a voicemail at the Parish Office at 416-225-3300 x 21 or email